A GREENOCK man charged with sexually assaulting two young women in the town has gone on trial at the sheriff court.

Jonathan Adams is accused of seizing both alleged victims — one of whom is described in court papers as having been under the age of 18 — and touching their breasts.

He is also charged with intentionally exposing his genitals and performing a solo sex act in the presence of the younger of the two females.

The young woman has suffered panic attacks and is 'hardly sleeping', the court was told.

The alleged incidents are said to have taken place on April 30 last year.

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The younger of the two alleged victims broke down in the witness box during her evidence as she described seeing Adams touching himself in a bathroom with an opened door at the top of a flight of stairs.

She said: “I saw him looking at me. I ran up the stairs and closed the door.

“I stopped for a minute to collect myself."

Adams' defence solicitor questioned why the young woman had ran towards his client and had not gone downstairs to alert others.

Greenock Telegraph:

The lawyer said: “In a sense you run towards the person that’s causing you fear.

“You don’t know what he might do in those circumstances if you run towards him.

“It’s just fanciful. It’s ridiculous to suggest that when you see this man carrying out a sexual act that you run towards him.”

The woman responded: “I’ve been made to feel uncomfortable in a situation where I shouldn't have been comfortable.

“It’s not something you expect to happen to you.

“People deal with things differently. I’m not the kind of person to talk to people I don’t really know.”

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The witness also spoke about an incident which is said to have occurred later on the same night.

She told the court that Adams ‘grabbed’ her bottom as he left the house to get in a taxi, and that he told her he would 'see her around'.

The alleged incidents were not reported to police until a later date, when the witness attended Greenock police office to give a statement.

She said: “I’ve been feeling stressed out and very emotional. It has been affecting me in the run up of coming here.

“I am hardly sleeping.

"When I’ve been out and a guy has approached me, I’ve went into a panic attack every time.”

The trial was adjourned part-heard, with further witnesses set to give evidence at the next calling of the case on November 27.

Adams bail order was continued in the meantime.