SCHOOLS and nurseries in Inverclyde face further strikes by support staff after Scotland’s largest local government union today rejected a pay rise offer from bosses.

Unison has announced there will be a rolling programme of strike action across the country in the coming weeks.

It comes after members voted 'overwhelmingly' to reject Cosla’s pay offer, with nine in ten workers (89.92 per cent) voting against it in a consultative ballot.

Strike dates will be announced in the coming days.

Schools locally were closed for four days last month because of the dispute.

Unison Scottish secretary Lilian Macer said: “No one takes industrial action lightly. It’s a very difficult decision for anyone, but as much as this is about pay, it’s also about standing up for local services.

“The school staff taking part in strike action support children in school every day of the year, and many are parents with school-age children too.

"Workers are taking action because they want children to be educated in well-resourced, well-staffed schools. They want to start trying to reverse years of cuts and under-investment in the workforce and services.

“No one wants to cause disruption for pupils and parents, but school staff have been left with no other option. The blame must be laid squarely at the door of Cosla and Scottish ministers. They have it within their gift to end the strike, but they are showing no sign of wanting to do so. That’s a terrible shame for everyone affected.”

The chair of the union's Scotland’s local government committee, Mark Ferguson, added: “Unison's local government members have voted overwhelmingly to reject this offer, which shows their resolve to fight for the fair pay they deserve.

“The current offer amounts to a real-terms pay cut and adds further stress to a dedicated workforce who are already suffering from the cost-of-living crisis.

"Cosla and the Scottish Government need to give school staff a decent pay rise, fund any increase properly and commit to implementing a pay of £15 per hour for all local government workers.”