AN ONLINE grooming accused charged with sending sexual messages has failed to appear for a calling of the case at Greenock Sheriff Court.

An arrest warrant has been issued for George Ahara, 51, who is said to have indecently communicated with three adult female decoys posing as four different underage girls.

Ahara sent one an image of his privates and sent all of the messages 'intentionally and for the purposes of obtaining sexual gratification or of humiliating, distressing or alarming' the recipients, it is alleged. 

The alleged offences are said to have been committed at a property on Greenock's Westmorland Road and elsewhere between June 6 and 12 last year.

Defence solicitor Amy Spencer told a calling of the case that her firm has 'not had sight nor sound' of Ahara - whose address is listed in court papers as in Wales - since his first appearance on petition last year.

Sheriff Anthony McGeehan granted a warrant to apprehend.