LOCAL musicians will unite to perform in support of the innocent victims caught up in the war in Gaza.

They have arranged a Greenock gig which is being held to raise money to help those caught up and injured in the conflict.

The event is being organised by Inverclyde people who came together because they wanted to help relieve the suffering of ordinary Palestinians.

Greenock Telegraph:

Group member Morag Paul said: "In the present conflict, thousands of civilian men women and children have been killed and many left with life-changing injuries which will require care for years to come.

"Money is urgently needed to deliver medical treatments in this emergency and in its aftermath."

The concert features popular local performers such as and Davie and Arlene Nicol, The Sweet Vendettas, Yvonne Lyon, The Elderly Brothers and Martin Steven Jones.

Greenock Telegraph:

Money raised will go the organisation Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP).

Paul Baird, of the Elderly Brothers, which also includes former Wellpark Mid Kirk Minister Alan Sorensen said: "I have always had an interest in the middle east for many years, my brother was a doctor in Nazareth.

"I just feel for the plight of the Palestinian people and wanted to do something to help like this.

"I am quite busy in the music scene and play with the Urban Folkers, so I was up for a gig and it is such an important cause.

"Every penny will go to medical aid for Palestinians so no-one across the political spectrum can accuse the event of being political.

"We have also been given the hall and catering for free, which is very generous.

"We are aware of human rights being undermined all over the planet and this crisis is particularly bad in terms of death and destruction and how quickly this has happened."

Shug Jamieson, of The Sweet Vendettas said: "I had been going along to the gatherings in Clyde Square and Morag said she was organising a gig. I play in a band, so I thought if I can help out I should.

"I just feel there are so many things going on and the people who are suffering have nothing to do with it."

The gig will take place at the Thistle Suite on Friday December 15 at 7pm.

The evening will include a bar and a hot supper.

Tickets cost £10 and can be reserved at the GIG for Gaza events page on Facebook or brought in person at the weekly Vigil for Gaza which takes place at 2pm Saturdays in Clyde Square, Greenock.

Or call Morag on 07947354615 or buy at the door on the night.