BONNIE Bravehearts at Belleaire House celebrated St Andrew's Day in style with the skirl of the pipes.

Veteran piper Russell Young visited the care home in Greenock for a patriotic party and staff donned tartan bunnets as residents waved flags.

Greenock Telegraph:

Maggie McElwee, activities co-ordinator, said: "We had our drinks trolley out with a Scottish theme of Irn Bru, ginger wine and home-made tablet, shortbread and Tunnocks tea cakes."

Russell played some traditional tunes including Flower of Scotland and Scotland the Brave.

Greenock Telegraph:

He said: "I've played the pipes for over 50 years now. I've played all over the world. I worked abroad as a marine engineer and I took the pipes with me.

"I think it is important to support your care homes. I am a regular visitor to homes all over Inverclyde.

"The residents always enjoy hearing the pipes."