A NUMBER of play areas in Inverclyde have been earmarked for a significant investment boost.

A total of £236,000 has been made available for refurbishment and replacement works at different facilities during the current financial year.

Five areas have been included in a ‘priority list’, which will be presented to a meeting of the council’s environment and regeneration committee next Thursday.

They are West Glen Park in Kilmacolm (replacement of multi-play unit), Riverside Road in Greenock (refurbishment), Sir Michael Street in Greenock (replace surface), Jacobs Drive in Gourock (replace surface) and Smithston (new play area).

Greenock Telegraph:

A report by Neale McIlvanney, the council's head of service for regeneration, planning and public protection, said: “Inverclyde Council currently have 53 play areas of varying sizes.

“These play areas have been developed over a number of years and upgraded to improve the overall play experience and we now have over 90 per cent of our play areas which include accessible equipment.

“The Scottish Government identified funding of £629,000 for play areas from 2023/24 up to 2025/26 as part of the general capital allocation.

“The available budget for play areas in 2024/25 is £236,000 which includes two elements of planning gain consisting of £15,000 from Oak Tree Housing Association and £24,000 for Sir Michael Street.

“A recurring capitalisation cost of £30,000 for one of the play area fitters is also paid from the play area capital budget and not included in the figures."

Play areas are regularly checked and maintained by council staff throughout the year, with ad hoc repairs being paid for through revenue cash.

Meanwhile the cost of larger equipment, new facilities or surfacing is generally included in the capital outlay.

The local authority says preliminary discussions with community representatives in the Smithston area, to identify a preferred site, are 'ongoing'.

Councillors on the committee will be asked to agree the proposed projects and progress reports will be made as the work takes place.