AN environmental activist who gives up hundreds of hours to help keep Inverclyde tidy has won a national award for her work as a dedicated volunteer.

Anne Hay has been recognised with a Clean Up Scotland Hero award for her efforts to tackle litter blighting the district.

Anne is a member of the Literati Guide to Inverclyde, a group of volunteers who work tirelessly to keep our area clean and litter free.

The group’s Stephen Henry nominated Anne for the forward, describing her as an 'absolute legend'.

Stephen said: "She’s got another couple of people involved who care about the environment and they’ll go out and collect 10 or 15 bags on a Tuesday or a Wednesday, and she goes out every Saturday with our team who clean every part of Inverclyde.

“She’s constantly out there, and she makes cakes too, and she’s just a lovely individual who’s got the environment at her heart. She’s phenomenal.”

Anne was a competitive runner and then took early retirement around 10 years ago. Following the death of her father, she helped to bring up her grandkids but when they went to school and nursery, she had more free time.

For the first time in her life, Anne felt at a loose end. Not running anymore and walking more often, she began to notice the amount of litter ruining the local beauty spots.

She said: “Litter’s always annoyed me and I kept saying I was going to do something."

Anne signed up to the Literati taskforce three years ago and hasn't looked back. The group is not only tackling litter but allowing people to benefit from social interaction with like-minded people.

Despite being nominated for an individual award, Anne was keen to stress that the entire group are more than worthy of recognition for their collective efforts.

Fellow volunteer Stephen added: “Anne's got a great personality, she encourages people to get involved.

“She’s just an all-round cracking person and you’d love nothing better than to have Anne in your team.

“When I think about all the activity that goes on across Inverclyde, and there’s quite a lot, and we’re quite well organised as volunteers, she’s the one person that instantly pops into my head as the person that I’ve got the most respect for and that you would want as a role model for a litter picking community.”

Keep Scotland Beautiful bosses say they are pleased to be able to recognise Anne's achievements.

Barry Fisher, chief executive, said: "She is a great role model for everyone and really deserves this recognition for her enduring determination.

“Scotland has a litter emergency, so it is more important than ever that we look after our beautiful country and keep it clean and tidy.

“We know how much people care about our environment, and I hope that Anne’s award encourages others to get involved and help us keep Scotland beautiful.”

The award scheme sponsor has also hailed her efforts.

Chrissie Jeffery, Scottish Lead for Helping Hand, said: “As the UK’s leading manufacturer and supplier of quality, sustainable litter clearance tools and equipment, our commitment to environmental responsibility is at the forefront of our mission. Since 2014, we have taken immense pride in championing the Hero of the Month Award, a platform that recognises the extraordinary dedication of individuals and organisations striving to Keep Scotland Beautiful.

“Today, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to the latest winner, Anne, and we will be sending her a sustainable litter picking kit to help continue their remarkable efforts in contributing to the collective goal of fostering a cleaner, greener Scotland."