THE Battery Park welcomed thousands of visitors as Gourock Highland Games returned for another year.

People travelled from far and wide to compete in and enjoy the iconic annual event on Sunday, with the weather holding up for most of the afternoon before thunderstorms arrived.

This year’s games featured pipe band and drum major competitions, highland dance tournaments, heavyweight events such as caber tossing and a variety of entertainment, food and craft stalls.

Greenock Telegraph: Gourock Highland Games

Proceedings were overseen by Greenock-born footballing legend John McMaster, who was chieftain for the event.

John famously helped Aberdeen beat Real Madrid to win the 1983 Cup Winners’ Cup at the final in Gothenburg and won numerous league titles and trophies with the Pittodrie team.

Greenock Telegraph: Gourock Highland Games

Inverclyde’s Provost Drew McKenzie, who also attended the event, told the Tele it had been a fantastic day.

Greenock Telegraph: Gourock Highland Games

He said: "We were very fortunate with the weather.

“The march past at the end got cancelled but I think apart from that we got through it all.

“It’s a great advert for Inverclyde, there were so many people from different parts of the world who had found their way there and seemed to be enjoying it.

“The stances were very good and local charities and organisations were well represented and there were plenty of local crafts as well, which was great.

“The park lends itself to a great atmosphere, even though there were lots of people there was still plenty of room for everyone.

“It was a great honour for John as chieftain, he turned out well and did the job brilliantly.”

*The Tele will run a picture special from the Games in Friday’s edition with all of our snaps from the big day.