EXCITED Greenock schoolchildren are set to sail 'doon the watter' on board the famous Waverley after creating an award-winning replica of the iconic vessel.

The P5 class at Aileymill Primary rose to the challenge of recreating the much loved vessel with all her unique features using only recycled household materials.

Their skills landed them first place in a Newsquest regional competition - featured in the Greenock Telegraph, Glasgow Times, Largs and Millport Weekly News, Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, Cumnock Chronicle, Ayr Advertiser, Helensburgh Advertiser, and Clydebank Post - arranged to mark the 75th anniversary of the world's last sea going paddle steamer.

Now the class of excited nine and ten-year-olds from the Greenock school will be sailing downriver from Glasgow, passing landmarks like the Erskine Bridge, before disembarking at the historic Custom House Quay in Greenock.

Greenock Telegraph: Waverley

Nine-year-old Logan Mitchell discovered a family connection with the Waverley during the competition.

Logan said: "I loved being involved in this and I helped paint the funnels. I found out that my great grandfather Johnny Mitchell, a shipyard worker, worked on the Waverley. I didn't even know that before. Now I can't wait to go on it."

On the trip tomorrow the youngsters will get a behind the scenes look at the engine in action, see the paddle steamers turn and get a chance to meet the captain.

Greenock Telegraph: Waverley

Euan Rodger said: "I can't wait to go on the boat for the first time, I am looking forward to going under the Erskine Bridge. My dad says it is his dream to go on the Waverley."

The pair were joined by Leah Stewart and Sami Robertson to showcase their winning model.

The class paid incredible attention to detail in their model, even putting passengers on the decks.

Their proud class teacher Ross Boag said: "This is a fantastic opportunity for the class to go on a special school trip. We are all so excited. They worked so hard on the model and they did well to make it in only two weeks.

"The Waverley has so much history and I think sailing down the Clyde will be a brilliant experience for everyone, to see Greenock from the water and pass all the landmarks as well."

The Greenock Telegraph and our other Newsquest titles located along the Clyde ran the competition to schools in partnership with sponsor's McGill's. Our thanks go to everyone who entered, and congratulations to the winners.