AN INVERCLYDE election candidate has issued a demand to the area’s Labour-run local authority to ‘come clean’ over its plans to hike council tax next year.

The challenge from Chris McEleny, who will stand for the Alba Party at the next general election, follows comments made by council leader Stephen McCabe earlier this week.

Councillor McCabe called on new First Minister John Swinney to rule out any further freezes or caps on council tax.

The council leader told the Daily Record: “The extent of the financial crisis facing Scotland's councils was something I highlighted for months during the debate over Humza Yousaf's council tax freeze.

“I said at the time the freeze was financially irresponsible and it would push Scottish councils one step closer to bankruptcy. This report from the Accounts Commission proves I was right.

READ MORE: Chris McEleny of Alba Party to stand for Inverclyde MP

“The only way council budgets can be balanced over the coming years is through significant cuts to jobs and services and large rises in council tax.

Inverclyde Council voted for an 8.2 per cent increase this year, but following discussions with ministers it was agreed that residents would receive a one-off council tax credit to negate this.

Mr McEleny said that Councillor McCabe’s request made to Mr Swinney to rule out a freeze is indicative of plans to introduce a ‘hefty hike’ in 2025/26.

Greenock Telegraph: Cllr Stephen McCabeCllr Stephen McCabe (Image: Inverclyde Council)

He said: “It is time for Labour-run Inverclyde Council to come clean on its plans to hike council tax next year.

“To date they have failed to commit to reversing their 8.2 per cent rise which means over 30,000 households across the area will see their council tax increase by default next year.

“I am disappointed that my former SNP colleagues have failed to state that they will support reducing council tax next year so our bills don’t automatically go up by over eight per cent.

“However, the council leader’s call on the Scottish Government to back unlimited increases to council tax next year show that he has no intention of cutting council tax back to last year’s pre hike rates.

“Alba Party campaigned for a council tax freeze so people know we stood to keep money in their pockets during a cost of living crisis.

“It is time for the council leader to be honest with the people of Inverclyde and set out the intentions of his Labour administration.”