A POLICE officer charged with inappropriate conduct towards three female colleagues is set to stand trial at Greenock Sheriff Court.

Peter Fleming is alleged to have made a series of indecent comments towards the women between 2021 and 2023.

It is claimed that whilst undertaking his duties as a police constable, the 40-year-old intentionally engaged the complainers in conversations of a sexual nature.

Fleming, whose address was given in court papers as 'courtesy of Police Scotland's professional standards department in Dalmarnock', is said to have committed the alleged offences for the purposes of obtaining sexual gratification or of humiliating, distressing or alarming the women.

He is said to have communicated indecently with the first female PC between February and March 2021, while the second constable was allegedly subjected to similar conduct between January and July 2022 and the same behaviour was directed at the third officer between March and May last year.

Fleming did not attend a calling of the case but submitted a letter pleading not guilty to the allegations.

Sheriff James Varney scheduled a trial for September and the case is due to call again in August.