A PIECE of equipment at a kids' playpark in Greenock's east end was vandalised just hours after being installed - and its replacement will cost council bosses £1,000.

'Mindless vandals' ruined a new swing at Bawhirley Road playpark just two days after the structure was added to the popular open space. 

East end councillors Michael McCormick and Colin Jackson are appalled by the damage caused and say it's 'heartbreaking to see'. 

Council bosses believe the destruction of the swing has been carried out either by someone's dog chewing the structure, or by people themselves using sharp objects. 

Greenock Telegraph:
When the Telegraph visited the park, there was evidence of people consuming alcohol in the park, with an empty vodka bottle left on the chute.

Councillor McCormick said he's saddened to see the damage so soon after the new swing was added to the park.

He said: "It's just mindless vandalism and it makes me so angry. 

"The council had real problems sourcing this swing and put it in just a few weeks ago, and within a very short space of time, this is the condition it's in. 

"I bring my grandkids here and it's a great wee park. 

"It's so depressing that this has happened.

"It's just one less place for parents to bring their kids, and stops them from getting outside in the fresh air.

"Who is actually benefitting from doing it? These people are disadvantaging the youngsters in their own community."

Councillor McCormick said it's not yet clear if the council will be able to bring in a new swing. 

Greenock Telegraph:
He urged anyone who witnesses any vandalism in the park to anonymously call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 immediately. 

Councillor Jackson says parks like the one in Bawhirley Road are important as they help families who can't travel too far afield. 

He added: "Community parks like this are priceless and are wee gems. 

"Not everyone can jump in the car and take the kids to the bigger playparks so they rely on open spaces in their own community.

"Vandalism like this puts people off and discourages people from bringing their kids to the area. 

"It's heartbreaking. 

"The council might be reluctant to replace the swing if it's just going to happen again."

Greenock Telegraph:
A spokesperson for Inverclyde Council said similar damage has to equipment has been found in a playpark in Grosvenor Road. 

They added: "Unfortunately Bawhirley playpark has been subject to vandalism several times. 

"This latest incident was reported just two days after the swing seat was replaced. 

"We are planning to replace damaged seats where required and wardens have been asked to keep an eye on affected play areas. 

"We have looked at alternative designs of seats but we are restricted by the need for a safe seat rather than one which cannot be cut. 

"It's incredibly frustrating that a small minority spoil the fun for others by damaging our play equipment. 

"We've invested heavily in our parks for the benefit of our children, young people and the wider community.

"It's deeply disappointing that mindless acts like this ruin it for everyone else and create additional expense for taxpayers. 

"We would urge any witnesses or anyone with information to please contact the police."