WITH reference to Susan Lochrie’s first class Greenock Telegraph article on May 1 regarding the GP out-of-hours service: once again Greater Glasgow and Clyde health board has blatantly ignored the wishes of Inverclyde’s citizens.

As a result, our area is to be denied the same GP out-of-hours service which is freely available across Scotland. What has Inverclyde done to deserve this injustice?

This isn’t the first time Inverclyde has suffered from inequity inflicted by the health board.

Over the years various specialist departments have been salami-sliced then transferred out of the IRH.

Patients are now ferried to the RAH in Paisley as a matter of course.

If the patients’ families don’t own a car – and many don’t – then visiting can be an ordeal.

Indeed, the choice of Paisley’s RAH as a major treatment centre in preference to Inverclyde Royal seems flawed, as Paisley always had access to Glasgow centres of excellence within minutes. Not so Inverclyde.

Typically, there will always be people on the health board who slavishly follow the party line.

That’s why they’re there.

I see that they’re now peddling the phrase, ’perspective over reality’. Watch out for this one. Roughly translated it means ‘You are so thick that you can’t understand why we have to treat you unfairly.’

By the way, the silence from our Holyrood and Westminster representatives on this issue is deafening.

Martin Brennan

Address supplied