A GREENOCK councillor's long-running push for a playpark on his patch has paid off - with the promise of an investment of over £85,000.

Independent elected member Tommy McVey has pushed for a playpark in the Smithston area ever since he was elected, but advanced plans for one had to be put on ice due to the Covid pandemic.

Now members of the environment and regeneration committee have agreed that the local authority should fund a facility, with a number of potential sites identified for it.

Larkfield Braeside & Branchton Community Council will help take the plans forward and consult with residents about what they'd like to see.

Councillor McVey said: "A playpark in the Smithston area is something I have been pursuing for many years but unfortunately it was put on hold due to Covid. 

"It is so important that children have a playpark and it was sadly lacking in this area, it was poorly served.

"I am really pleased that council officers have now identified several potential sites for the playpark and will be liaising with the community via the Larkfield Braeside and Branchton Community Council to agree a final location. 

"Inverclyde Council continues to invest in its playparks, which is good news. It will be the 54th playpark in the area, which is a great record for a small council. 

"This project represents an £86k investment in ward seven and I would like to the convenor of the environmental & regeneration committee, Councillor Michael McCormick, and his team for their support in getting the project to this stage."

Larkfield Braeside and Branchton Community Council chair Stephen Regan will be involved in picking a suitable site for the playpark.

Council officials say that discussions about a site are ongoing with local representatives and nearby residents.

Mr Regan said: "There is a real lack of playparks in the area, with one in Burns Road and then another in Branchton.

"This is going to be great for the area and something that will benefit families. We will now look at the sites."