A BALACLAVA-CLAD knifeman pulled out a six-and-a-half inch kitchen blade during a tense stand-off with 'extremely frightened' staff at Greenock's homelessness centre.

Thomas Footit - who was also wearing a camouflage jacket - drew the knife whilst intoxicated within the Inverclyde Centre and stated: "Look what I've got." 

Worried workers quickly alerted police to the alarming incident before repeat blade offender Footit, 45 - who is said to suffer from severe paranoia - declared that he had the knife for self defence.

He later resisted arrest by trying to wriggle away from officers and spat at them before he was eventually placed into the rear of a cell van with a spit hood covering his head.

Footit appeared from custody at the sheriff court to plead guilty to two indictment offences through defence lawyer Aidan Gallagher.

Procurator fiscal depute Kirstin Brierley told the court: "The accused was under the influence of an unknown substance and appeared agitated.

"He pulled out a large knife with a grey handle in the reception area and said, 'Look what I've got'.

"The witness was extremely frightened and worried for other residents."

The court heard that Footit walked away from the reception and headed towards his room shouting: "Kill the polis."

Police were contacted and officers were directed to the stairway where Footit was standing.

The court heard that he walked away from police before stopping and holding both of his hands in the air.

He was detained and searched and stated: "Aye, I do have a knife, I need to defend myself."

The large kitchen knife was recovered from his left trouser pocket.

Footit, who has previous convictions for knife possession, was taken to the ground but he kicked out and made attempts to wriggle away and spit at officers.

Solicitor Mr Gallagher said his client 'suffers from severe paranoia and depression'.

He added: "He was housed in the Inverclyde Centre not by his choice, he didn't want to associate with other residents and felt he was not safe within the environment.

"The article would normally be within his room.

He had concerns regarding his safety within the premises. He had asked to be moved previously but that didn't come to pass.

"The spitting element is disgusting and he is apologetic.

"Thankfully there is no suggestion that the spittle landed on any of the officers."

Sheriff James Varney sentenced Footit to 15 months in prison backdated to March 7.