EMERGENCY repairs to fix a broken sewer have forced Scottish Water to shut off a residential road in Greenock for up to three weeks.

The clean up is now under way in Flatterton Road, Braeside, with the street closed off to traffic from Jupiter Terrace to Kylemore Terrace.

Scottish Water has apologised to residents for the problem, which led to spills and subsidence.

Greenock Telegraph: Road closes in Braeside

Bosses have also warned that it is possible that the work could take longer than expected.

A spokesperson said: "We are sorry for the impact this has been having on customers and we are going to carry out emergency repairs in order to put in place a permanent solution to the problem."

The team are on the site and Inverclyde Council has been informed of the closure and the three week emergency notice.

The Scottish Water spokesperson added: "Unfortunately, this will require a full closure of Flatterton Road between Jupiter Terrace and Kylemore Terrace.

"We appreciate this will be inconvenient for people living in Braeside and will lead to increased traffic on some side roads, but it is the only option open to us to complete the repair quickly and safely.

"Given the poor condition of the pipe, it is possible we may have to extend the works by several weeks, but the situation will become clearer once the excavation is underway.

"We will be in touch regularly with updates. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and understanding."