INVERCLYDE’S MP has backed calls to ban the advertising of vaping products in sport.

Ronnie Cowan voiced support for East Renfrewshire MP Kirsten Oswald’s campaign following a recent drop-in event.

Scottish Chief Medical Officer Sir Gregor Smith told Ms Oswald he was concerned about the 'massive attraction of sports companies' being used to promote 'unsafe or unhealthy behaviours'.

Vaping advertisement is currently banned on television, radio and in most online spaces – however, companies can still sponsor sporting kits and venues.

READ MORE: Matthew Quinn MSYP: Troublesome vaping 'has taken over youth culture'

Last summer – following criticism from politicians – English Championship side Blackburn Rovers defended their decision to have their shirts sponsored by Totally Wicked Vaping.

Mr Cowan, who has previously called for an end to gambling adverts in sport, said: “The number of young people vaping today is deeply worrying and we must use all levers at our disposable to tackle this issue.

“Vape advertising is already banned on television and radio and it is time that this ban is extended to sponsorship in sports.”