AN Inverclyde woman has launched a vital Greenock employability service aimed at helping local people into jobs. 

Isobel Dempster recently took on the role of employment development coordinator for the Employment Plus programme which is now up and running at the Salvation Army in Greenock.

The Greenock Employment Plus scheme is the first of its kind in Scotland as it is directly attached to a service. 

Greenock Telegraph:
Isobel works with people who are already involved in groups run by the Salvation Army, as opposed to working with people through the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). 

The dedicated coordinator is currently coaching nine people get ready for the world of work. 
Isobel said she's very pleased to be leading the vital initiative. 

She added: "This is a new service which helps people who need a wee bit of support get ready for jobs and volunteering opportunities.

"I've been learning about everyone and coming up with plans that are tailored to each individual client.

"It's not just about employment history, we want to find out about their personalities and experiences."

Everyone Isobel is currently working with has been going along to some of the groups and activities run through the Salvation Army's 'floating support' service. 

Some of the groups include mindfulness and meditation, wellbeing, and crafting, and each one gives people the chance to learn new skills and socialise. 

Through going along to the groups and speaking to people, Isobel has managed to find out who needs a bit of support with getting into work, and has signed them up to Employment Plus. 

Isobel helps people with CVs and covering letters, passes on practical tips about interview skills, and supports them with enhancing their digital capabilities.

She said every activity is aimed at giving people the confidence to look for work, and she is thrilled that members of the groups have already had some success. 

Isobel added: "A lot of it is about motivating people and showing them how much they can achieve. 

"We've already had interview offers and that really gives people such a boost."

Isobel was recovery development coordinator at Your Voice for three years, and before that was a team leader at Quarriers working with children with complex needs. 

She was a childminder for 10 years before that. 

Isobel said her previous roles are similar to what she's doing at the Salvation Army as she's still involved in supporting people through important phases in their life. 

She said the best thing about her role is seeing the changes in people. 

Isobel added: "It's amazing seeing people grow in confidence in such a short space of time.

"They gradually get interested in all of the different groups and start making connections. 

"I love going on this fantastic journey with them."