A WORLD-renowned Gourock author has released the final instalment in a trio of sci-fi novels - and has already pitched a new book idea to publishers.

Ken MacLeod unveiled space opera Beyond the Light Horizon, the third book in the Lightspeed trilogy, last month. 

The title continues the carefully crafted tales in Beyond the Hallowed Sky and Beyond the Reach of Earth, and follows character John Grant on his journeys through space and time. 

It also features robot artificial intelligence. 

Ken, 69, said he's thrilled to get the completed trio out there for fans to enjoy. 

He tol the Tele: "Finishing writing the trilogy was a relief and it feels great. 

"I'm really pleased with it in that it all holds together as one long novel divided into three parts. 

"The second and third book both have a 'story so far' at the start to refresh the memory, to make sure readers able to keep track of who is who and who has done what."

Ken says there's been a great response to the book so far with more than 1,400 orders across paperback and Kindle.

Fresh from unveiling the trilogy in its entirety, Ken is already working on ideas for his next novel. 

Greenock Telegraph:
He has already spoken to publisher Orbit Books about another space opera. 

Ken added: "It's set in a different universe this time. 

"Readers are really keen on space operas. 

"There's much more of a demand that type of writing now and hopefully I'll be able to supply more of it in my next book."

Alongside working on his new title, Ken has also released his first ever selection of short stories. 

A Jura for Julia is available as a paperback ebook, and as a signed hardback limited to just 100 numbered copies. 

Ken said he's very proud to be part of the field of sci-fi and fantasy and says there's a lot of great work being done. 

He added: "There are quite a lot of new writers in the fantasy field. 

"With fantasy, you can let your imagination run wild. 

"With science fiction, it can be hard to envisage hopeful futures but there are plenty of dystopian futures to choose from already."