WONDERFUL walkers from two Inverclyde organisations raised more than £4,000 for three vital causes by taking on a challenging tartan trek. 

Employees from Inverclyde Council and the health and social care partnership (HSCP) completed the 14.4-mile Glasgow Kiltwalk in aid of the good causes. 

A group of 28 gathered £4,050 through donations online on the JustGiving platform and from sponsorship.

Of the money raised, £2,000 will go to Ardgowan Hospice's My Grief Matters project, £1,050 will be donated the stroke unit at Inverclyde Royal and £1,000 will go to the special care baby unit at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley via Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity. 

Organiser Caroline McCahill, children's rights officer, says the team are thrilled with the amount raised. 

She added: "I want to say a huge thank-you to everyone who took part, and to everyone who donated. 

"It was a brilliant day. 

"We met a lot of people along the way and heard some amazing stories."

Caroline said the three organisations were chosen in recognition of the positive impact they have within Inverclyde. 

Caroline has been raising money for the stroke unit at Inverclyde Royal since the team looked after her partner Benji three years ago. 

She added: "He had to learn to walk and talk again, and got the most amazing care from the staff. 

"They do phenomenal work."

Caroline said My Grief Matters and the special care baby unit at the RAH were chosen as they provide vital care to people across Inverclyde. 

She added: "At Inverclyde HSCP, we work with a lot of families who benefit from hospice and hospital services. 

"We can see how much of an impact these projects are having on people and families."

Caroline said a special thanks to the young people who took part in the Kiltwalk alongside the council and HSCP staff. 

She said the trek was a fantastic team-building activity. 

Caroline added: "The Kiltwalk always looks like such good fun and it really was. 

"Everyone went at their own pace and we did it all as a team. 

"The young people were amazing, they didn't complain once."

One of the youngsters who took part, Amelia Shand, is pleased that some of the donations will be donated the IRH stroke unit as staff there looked after her gran Anne Shand after she suffered a stroke. 

Ardgowan Hospice fundraiser Leonna Gallacher said the £2,000 donation they have received will help raise awareness of the My Grief Matters project.

She added: "The project is helping young people deal with bereavement, and supporting more of them to access services provided by the hospice. 

"This is an amazing amount and we want to thank Caroline and all of the team."

Lucy Ritchie, fundraiser at Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity, said £1,000 will help neonatals at the RAH in Paisley. 

She added: "This money will go straight to the special care baby unit at the hospital. 

"We want to say a massive thank-you to everyone involved for helping raise awareness of the charity which supports people across Inverclyde."