COMMUNITY, sport, music, arts and voluntary groups can now apply for grants from the council’s grants fund.

It is now accepting applications from groups looking for funding to support their work in communities across Inverclyde.

It has been set up to allow the council to provide financial support to a variety of groups across Inverclyde.

There are three categories of funding, each with a £10,000 cap.

They are: Facilities/Core Costs; Project Costs and Fee Waivers.

Organisations wanting to make applications need to specify on the paperwork how much funding is being requested against the three categories.

They will also need to specify if and how the awarding of a grant would contribute to and benefit the wider community, in line with the local priorities.

Applications must be received by noon on July 18.

Applications made before this time will be considered by the grants sub-committee at its next meeting, which is expected to take place in September.

For more information, see the council website.