A BUDDING musical maestro from Greenock has hit all the right notes by securing a place on a prestigious music programme.

Talented Notre Dame high school pupil Holly Maxwell is set to study at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s junior section later this year.

The 14-year-old singer also plays flute and tin whistle and has been a member of several local school bands and orchestras, as well as Inverclyde drama group Total Kayos.

She is hoping the opportunity to study at the junior Conservatoire will give her a chance to further develop her talents.

(Image: George Munro) (Image: George Munro)

She said: “I’ve always wanted to be musical, I got a lot of instruments and stuff for birthdays when I was younger, but when I got into high school I started to properly think about it.

“I was tutored for chanter in primary four and I still do that now.

“It’s been a massive part of my life since I started high school, I like anything from rock to classical to jazz to more traditional music.

“It’s something I would really like to do as a career when I get older, and this is a good first step.

“I would love to do something music or art related.”

The young performer told the Tele she was grateful to her family and friends who supported her throughout the audition process.

(Image: George Munro)

She added: “My friend Kai, who’s already in the Conservatoire, and my drama teacher Sean were really helpful when I was getting ready.

“The audition was so different from what I thought it was going to be.

“I was so nervous, and I thought it was going to be super formal, but it wasn’t like that at all.

“I’m really excited for it.

“I do a lot of drama as well, I’ve been in Total Kayos since about 2019.

“This is my last year with them and it’s exciting but also really sad.

“I’ve had a brilliant time with them and made lots of friends.”

Holly’s proud mum Leanne Coyle said winning a place at the well-known music school was exactly what her daughter deserved after all the hard work she had put in.

She said: “She put in so much effort, it was a long audition process.

“There was a lot of preparation for her to do.

“It was lovely seeing it all pay off for her.

“I was sitting outside so nervous for her at the time, but she’s done really well to get in.

“She’s worked so hard to get here and she deserves this.”