A GREENOCK man suspected of breaking into a house attacked an officer and tried to run away from police who turned up to investigate the alleged incident.

James Scott, 44, admitted to charges of police assault and resisting arrest after being apprehended in Inverkip last year.

Half a dozen constables visited an address on the village's Main Street shortly before midnight on August 26 last year after being actioned to attend a report of an 'ongoing housebreaking'.

A procurator fiscal depute told a Greenock Sheriff Court sentencing hearing that three officers forced entry to the home and found Scott inside.

The prosecutor said: "On entering, the accused ran from the living room area and charged towards a PC in the hallway.

"The accused threw a punch with his left fist and struck the officer on his upper body.

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"He was taken to the prone position where he violently resisted arrest by fighting with a PC and making efforts to prevent handcuffs from being applied.

"He was informed that he was under arrest and handcuffs were eventually placed on him."

Scott, of Athole Terrace, had been 'out of trouble' since 2011 until the incident, according to his lawyer.

Gerry Keenan told the court: "It seems that the use of alcohol on this occasion and his perception that the police action towards him was unjustifiable has caused him to behave in this way."

Sheriff James Varney said: "That behaviour is unacceptable, the police officer is only doing his duty and you assaulted him for no other reason than to get away."

Scott was ordered to complete 135 hours of unpaid work within the next 12 months and he will also be under the supervision of the criminal justice social work department for the same period of time.