THE Telegraph has asked Inverclyde and Renfrewshire West's general election candidates a series of questions ahead of the July 4 poll, inviting them to provide extended responses for our readers' consideration.

The first of these questions is: What would you do to boost job opportunities in Inverclyde?

Independent candidate John Burleigh responded:

ONE of the greatest inventions was Macadam roads which helped roll out the economy in the 19th century. Building on this Scottish invention, I'd like to introduce free bus passes for all, to mobilise people and give them the impetus to go looking for work beyond their environ. It would boost the economy and give a leg-up to those looking for work, to staff in the service industries and rural areas. With electric buses not restricted to a terminal (unlike trains and boats and planes,) they can use the whole road network. It would help reduce carbon emissions too. 

I would love to see a continental cruise car ferry terminal built at Gourock to make it the gateway to Europe and to Scotland. It would boost tourism, trade and transport and open up Inverclyde and get the bed and breakfast signs out again and fill the shops. A cruise passenger stays a day and spends £20 whereas a family car staying two weeks spends £2,000. Calmac could have a ship called ‘Dignity’ to launch this new route to Santander via Dublin from Gourock.

One of the most beautiful prestigious buildings, ‘The Glebe’ is a sight for sore eyes. If it was lovingly restored into a commercial and community hub with add-on accommodation, it could be the best brick ship (looks like one) built on the Clyde!

With a viewing gallery on top with restaurant/café and the remaining floors as visitor centre, art gallery, Greenock Telegraph and a gym on the ground floor, the passengers coming off the cruise ships would flock to it.