A MAN was placed on a police order to stay away from his partner - then went to her house in possession of a hammer. 

John Campbell, 46, had been released from custody on an undertaking in March with a strict instruction not to approach or contact the woman or go to her home in Port Glasgow.

But he flouted the order just eight days later with a midnight visit to the property.

Fiscal depute Ashley Pollock yesterday told Greenock Sheriff Court that police received a report at around 11:45pm noting concern for Campbell, with officers attending at around 12:20am.

Ms Pollock said: “In efforts to trace the accused, they heard a sound from the side pathway which led to the rear of the locus.

(Image: Newsquest)

“The accused appeared and walked towards police witnesses.

“They attempted to engage with the accused and asked that he showed his hands and kept them out of his pockets.”

Campbell initially refused to comply with this, before dropping a hammer from his right hand, the court was told.

He was then arrested and conveyed to Greenock police office, where he made no reply to caution and charge.

Defence solicitor Paul Cook said his client, who has a ‘limited record’, had been in a relationship with the woman for more than 30 years.

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He noted that the behaviour could be attributed to addiction struggles with drugs and alcohol, but that these struggles were now ‘under control’.

Sheriff James Varney said: “It’s exceptionally disappointing to see that you don’t appear as a first offender.

“While you clearly knew you ought not to go near the house, you did.

"It’s very concerning that you did so with a hammer.”

Sheriff Varney ordered Campbell, of Cumbernauld, to complete 135 hours of unpaid work within 12 months.

He will also remain under supervision during this period.