KILMACOLM youngsters who are getting ready to start a whole new era in their lives marked the end of primary school with a day of fun. 

Teachers at Kilmacolm Primary organised a day of celebration for pupils in Primary 7 before they leave at the end of term to go to high school. 

The young people enjoyed a bouncy castle, tried out Sumo wrestling in special suits, and got the chance to have their faces painted. 

(Image: George Munro)
Primary 7 teacher Steph Kretowicz said all 29 pupils in the class are very excited about starting the next chapter in their lives. 

She said: "I think it's really starting to get real for them now. 

"They've had their induction at Port Glasgow High School and when they came back they all said they couldn't wait to get started. 

"They're a lovely class and they've been a pleasure to teach."

Steph says her students are well equipped with the skills and personality needed to succeed at high school. 

She added: "The pace of the day will be very different for them. 

"They'll have to adjust to going from classroom to classroom and having five to seven classes a day. 

"It will take them a wee while to adjust to going from being the oldest to the youngest as well.

"Making friends is always such a big part of going to high school, and they've already come back with numbers for people they met at the induction. 

"That will help to take away the trepidation on the first day."

(Image: George Munro)
(Image: George Munro)
The Telegraph spoke to four pupils about the day of celebration and about starting high school.

Nuala McLaughlin said: "It's been really fun and I enjoyed the Sumo and the obstacle course. 

"I'll miss our teacher as she's lovely."

Valentina Higginbotham added: "Everyone is so excited to start our new chapter."

Maisie Docherty said: "I'm really looking forward to making a lot of new friends."

Rhys Osborne added: "I think everyone has had a really good day and enjoyed themselves a lot."