THE 'Roaring Twenties' will be brought to life at Clydeview Academy this week as talented pupils put on a fantastic production of Bugsy Malone.

Audiences will be treated to a trip back in time filled with twists, turns, gangsters and gags as the school puts on three performances of the classic movie musical this week.

A cast of more than 40 pupils have been rehearsing since January to put together a terrific three-night run.

Clydeview Academy’s principal teacher of music, Alan Beck, told the Telegraph that everyone involved in the production couldn’t wait to see the curtain come up.

(Image: George Munro)

He said: “Rehearsals have been going really well and the pupils have been getting really excited, especially when they started getting their costumes.

“They seem to love the idea of the whole ‘flapper’ era.

“Everybody’s enthusiastic and thoroughly enjoying it.

“We started casting this in December and since we came back in January, we’ve been rehearsing every week twice a week since then.

“There’s loads of wee bits in the show so most people have actually got something to do rather than just standing and singing in the chorus.

“You put in a lot of work for it so it’s good to get something back and see everyone enjoying it.

“The reward for the teachers is seeing it all come together and seeing what the pupils get from it.

“There’s no nerves, just excitement, we’ve got it all together now and we just want to get it done.”

Clydeview Academy’s production of Bugsy Malone will take place tonight, tomorrow night and on Friday.

Those seeking information about purchasing tickets should call the school's office.