The Greenock Telegraph has invited General Election candidates standing to represent Inverclyde and Renfrewshire West to share their views on key topics relevant to the area.

This week, we asked the candidates how they would best combat the cost-of-living crisis.

Here’s what Labour candidate Martin McCluskey had to say:

“No one in our area should be struggling because of rising rent, mortgage and energy prices and no child should be living in poverty.

“I have spoken to people who tell me about working multiple jobs because low pay means they can’t make ends meet. This has to stop.

“Labour has a plan to bring down the cost of living.

“We will bring in a proper windfall tax on energy company profits and use the money raised
to bring down your energy bills.

“The SNP have refused to back this plan and have sided with the energy giants over working people.

“We will make work pay so that more people benefit from the dignity and purpose of work.

“We will do this by making sure the minimum wage is a genuine living wage by ensuring it always takes account of the cost of living.

“We will also ban exploitative zero hours contracts and end fire and rehire.

“For those who are unemployed or can’t work, we will review universal credit so that it effectively tackles poverty.

“Mass dependence on food banks is a moral scar on our society which needs to end.

“For pensioners, Tory tax rises mean a record number of pensioners are now paying income tax.

“Labour will support pensioners and guarantee year-on-year increases to the state pension over the whole parliament.

“With Labour’s plan we can stop the Tory chaos, turn the page and return to sound economic management that delivers a rising standard of living.”