The Greenock Telegraph has invited General Election candidates standing to represent Inverclyde and Renfrewshire West to share their views on key topics relevant to the area.

This week, we asked the candidates how they would best combat the cost-of-living crisis.

Here’s what Alba Party candidate Chris McEleny had to say:

“Alba Party Councillors here secured a cost-of-living support grant that meant 10,000 households in receipt of council tax reduction received a £500 lift to help with their bills.

“After the Council election SNP, Tory and Labour councillors scrapped the payment.

“In this year’s budget they also axed funding for free school meals that Alba Party campaigned for and in doing so added £400 a year onto household bills.

“When I led the SNP here we promoted sensible policies such as freezing council tax to keep money in your pocket.

“Sadly, under the influence of the Greens the SNP lost their way.

“Labour voted to increase council tax by 8.2 per cent and the SNP backed an amendment that could’ve seen it rise by the same amount.

“Thanks to Alba’s campaign we managed to get you this money back.

“However, next year’s default position will be an 8.2 per cent hike to council tax unless it’s reduced by the same 8.2 per cent Labour put it up by as the rebate was a one off.

“I urged the Labour leader and SNP leaders to come clean on their plans for next year but neither would.

“Therefore I call on the Labour and SNP candidates to put their position on the record.

“Will they back my call for a council tax freeze next year by urging their parties to remove Labour’s 8.2 per cent increase or will they do nothing and watch on as Inverclyde’s council tax becomes the second highest in Scotland?

“You deserve an honest answer.”