PROPOSALS to revamp Port Glasgow include bringing more watersports and festivals to Coronation Park, imposing a 20mph speed limit along Shore Street and Princes Street and creating a new heritage centre and cafe near the Shipbuilders statue.

Inverclyde Council are currently drawing up an action plan for the area and are seeking the public’s views on what their priorities should be.

Those who take part in the council’s survey will be asked to answer questions relating to five key ‘intervention areas’, which are detailed in a 14-page consultation document. 

These include creating ‘safe and direct’ pedestrian links across the A8 to link the town centre to Mirren’s Shore, strengthening existing town centre ‘gateways’, diversifying the types of buildings and shops on Princes Street, rejuvenating the town’s waterfront and improving pedestrian access to upper Port Glasgow.

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The importance of finding a balance when thinking of ways to create new A8 crossings is stressed in the consultation document, which suggests two crossing points located at Mirren’s Shore and the Shipbuilders statue.

A range of possible measures which aim to make the town centre's entrance more 'welcoming' are also detailed.

These include a 20mph limit along either Shore Street and Princes Street or the whole of Port Glasgow's town centre, a raised junction to slow traffic at the corner of the two aforementioned streets and new residential development to overlook public spaces.

The consultation document also outlines proposals to improve Princes Street.

It states: “Princes Street is the main thoroughfare connecting the station to the Town Hall.

“Many of its units are vacant, of poor quality and in need of repair/replacement.

“This is an opportunity for the historic Town Centre to reinvent itself as a welcoming, mixed use, social and cultural centre – a place where people choose to visit, meet, spend time and stay.

“High streets can no longer compete with big retail parks and online shopping, and so need to diversify.”

The suggested improvements for the town’s waterfront include creating a new active travel connection near Mirren’s Shore, exploring the potential of opening a community-run heritage centre and café between the waterfront and the Shipbuilder’s statue and looking at what infrastructure would be needed to hold festival and live music events at Coronation Park.

The creation of new paths along the route of the former Gourock Rope Works between Barr’s Brae and Newark Street and between Barr's Brae and Port Glasgow train station are also mooted as measures to increase accessibility for pedestrians. 

The consultation can be viewed online until July 3 and can be accessed at