THE number of patients remaining in hospital despite being fit for discharge is now at its lowest fort three years.

Health and social care bosses are reducing the number of patients who are stuck in hospital despite being fit for discharge.

Since last year the numbers for those remaining for up to eight weeks at its lowest for three years.

There were 307 bed days lost as a result of delayed discharge in May, whichis the best performance for two years.

Inverclyde HSCP has one of the best records in the health board area for delayed discharges.

But this has been challenged in  recent years because of the recruitment crisis in social care and the disruption from the pandemic.

In a report to the Inverclyde Integrated Joint Board, members are told that the plans to improve performance in delivering social care packages at home is continuing to have an impact.

Work is underway across Greater Glasgow and Clyde to develop a consistent approach to recording delays.