A MUCH-loved member of the team at a Greenock nursery is retiring after helping hundreds of local families over the last 40 years. 

Marai Kennedy, 59, will officially retire from her role as an early years education and childcare officer (EYECO) at Hillend Children's Centre when she turns 60 on July 1. 

Marai qualified in nursery nursing back in 1983 and has been helping youngsters and their families ever since. 

She says her time at Hillend has been 'fabulous'. 

Marai added: "I don't think it's sunk in yet. 

"Hillend is a very special place. 

"I've worked with a lot of really special people and met really special families. 

"It's been such a rewarding job."

Marai studied nursery nursing at James Watt College from 1981 to 1983 before getting a job at Blairmore Nursery. 

She went on to take on a role at Sacred Heart Primary School and helped set up the school's first nursery class. 

Marai started at Hillend in 2000 and said over the last 24 years, one thing has always been at the heart of the nursery. 

She added: "We put the children first, it's as simple as that.

"We don't put labels on anyone. 

"We see each individual child as who they are and do everything we can to do the best for them.

"We don't think of it in terms of what children can't do.

"Every child can achieve and will achieve. 

"We've never turned a child away. 

"Some children are dealing with a lot of different challenges and when they come to us they flourish."

(Image: George Munro)
Marai said she's looking forward to relaxing and spending more time with her family when she leaves the classroom at the end of term. 

She said she's been really touched by all the visits from families she's known for years in her final weeks at the centre. 

Marai added: "I'm onto the third generation of families as I'm now meeting the grandchildren!

"It's been lovely to see so many people coming back to see me, it's been really emotional."

EYECO Erin Cree has worked with Marai for 22 years. 

She said: "Marai doesn't realise how much of an impact she's had on every single family she's worked with, and on every member of staff she's worked with. 

"She's been the glue that held everything together, and a 'go-to' person for everyone, no matter what they needed. 

"Marai would do anything to help people and she should be so proud of what she's achieved."