INSPIRATIONAL children showcased the comics they created at a celebration of learning at Moorfoot Primary.

Deaf youngsters worked with Paul Bristow, of Magic Torch Comics, on a pilot scheme to create accessible stories and videos based on workshops.

(Image: Duncan Bryceland) (Image: Duncan Bryceland)

Pupils from Garvel Deaf Centre used sign language to explain their stories, highlighted on a big screen to family and friends at the presentation.

Paul said: "It's been an amazing learning experience for me as I don't use sign language, and it was an opportunity for them to share their stories with one another.

"They came up with amazing ideas, we focused on the art and visuals, the children were absolutely brilliant to work with and it's been great fun."

Paul worked with a group of pupils from P5, P6 and P7.

(Image: Duncan Bryceland)

Judith Archibald, one of the class teachers, said: "It's been fantastic, the children really enjoyed the sessions and there were lots of opportunities to create characters, share their ideas and lots of learning opportunities. Paul was brilliant with them."

The books, entitled Garvel Comics, included such tales as Zombie Clown, Snow Day, Spider Versus Potato, Costumes and Cat and Fox.

They also made a video showing the different ways the same word can be signed, and this was called 'What Colour is this?'.

Pupils worked on a Scottish folklore book called 'When the Farmer caught a Kelpie' which was presented by the centre's BSL tutor Paul Tipling.

Children ended their part of the celebration with the theme song of hit sitcom Friends, 'I'll be there for you' using sign languages and dance moves to entertain the audience.

They finished by saying: "We enjoyed working with Paul. We learned lots of things."

The young people involved were Charlie Tebbett, whose video 'Were Dragon' was shown, Darci Thomson, Charlie Fisher, Olivia Fisher, and Sydney Crerar (who wasn't available for the photo).

Free copies of both books were given to parents, the children and carers.