A GREENOCK wellness hub has launched a pay-it-forward initiative to help those struggling to afford health and wellbeing treatments.

Blessed Wellness Studio on Union Street is hoping the new scheme can provide people who are having financial difficulties with access to their services. 

Owner Leanne Templeton explained: "Everything impacts your mental health. 

"If somebody's used to going for a massage and then all of a sudden they lose their job or their kids are sick and money's tight, it's always these things that are the first to go. 

"I just wanted to have a pay it forward scheme so people who are struggling can still get something like this. 

"It's not going to be something that can be recurring, but it's just to have something there when people hit a bump. 

"That's why I would like to have a referral scheme for local charities or the NHS. 

"I'm open to anyone getting in touch who can help me get it off the ground, hopefully it's something that can grow and expand past Blessed as I speak to more people and businesses."

Those who wish to donate can do so via PayPal, by emailing blessedpayitforward@gmail.com or by visiting the studio.