A BIG-hearted boxing coach has raised almost £1,500 for his Port Glasgow club by taking on a hard-hitting challenge. 

Kyle Wilson completed the 96-mile West Highland Way Ultra Marathon - a gruelling trek which sees runners travelling from Glasgow to Fort William. 

Despite being hit by injury, Kyle finished in sixth place overall from a group of 300 runners from all over the UK, clocking up a time of 17 hours, 22 minutes. 

The money raised will be donated to Port Glasgow Victoria Boxing Club, an organisation which Kyle has been involved with for more than 20 years. 

Kyle, 37, said the trek was an experience he will never forget. 

He added: "That's the big one ticked off the bucket list.

"If it wasn't for the injuries, I know I would have been faster and I'm sure I would have been under the 17 hours. 

"That being said, if you asked me before the race if I would take sixth place in my first ever 100-mile run with a time of 17 hours 22 minutes, I would have bitten your hand off!

"Overall, despite knowing I could have been quicker, I'm still extremely happy with the outcome."

(Image: George Munro)
Kyle, who lives in Port Glasgow, said injuries started to kick in from the 20-mile mark which slowed his pace down.

He added: "Sometimes the pain from my hip and knee was agony but I was determined that nothing would stop me getting to the end. 

"My support crew were absolutely amazing and I wouldn't have made it to the end without them.

"Despite their inexperience, they performed like they had done this 100 times."

Kyle started training at Port Glasgow Victoria Boxing Club when he was 14 and went on to become a coach. 

(Image: Kyle Wilson)
He said he's thrilled the money will be used to upgrade equipment and take local boxers to tournaments 

Kyle said the club has taught him so much about himself and what he can achieve. 

He added: "It's done so much more for me than just teach me how to box. 

"It's taught me self-discipline and shown me that if you want something badly enough and you work hard, you can achieve it."

Kyle said he has been in a 'world of pain' since he finished the race but says it was all worth it when he got over the finish line. 

He added: "My body has taken a beating to make it all possible. 

"I am genuinely not sure how I managed to keep going.

"It was an amazing adventure full of extreme highs and lows and a lot of adversity."

To donate visit www.gofundme.com/f/port-victoria-boxing-club-funding