A GREENOCK pub is holding an action-packed Sunday fun day next month to raise cash for a worthy cause.

Staff at Bar 100 on Cathcart Street have organised 12-hours of events and activities for locals to enjoy on July 28 to raise cash for the Beatson Cancer Charity, which support people who are living with cancer and their loved ones.

The recently rebranded venue is keen to support the well-known charity as several staff members have loved ones who have benefited from its services.

Festivities are set to kick off at noon and will include a variety of auctions, raffles and live entertainment provided by a host of performers.

Manager Scott Mackie said: “There’s no tickets, the fun day’s open to everyone.

“It’ll just be a wee donation on the door, and we’ll keep it family friendly as well until nine o’clock.

“There’s lots of different entertainers donating their time and auctions as well with lots of things like signed football memorabilia.

“We just want to help out and support the Beatson however we can.

“The people who work here have had a lot of people in their family they’ve lost and the Beatson’s helped them, we just want to support the people that have helped us.

“We’ve also just re-launched as Bar 100, which will be a Scottish pub, and it’s been a great time to open.

“I’ve ran pubs for 10 years and I’ve always wanted to give back, it’s important to be a part of the community like this.

“It’s a great place we’ve got here and we’re excited to have people along.

“We’re really looking forward to this event and hopefully we can hold many more in the future.”