Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar was hailed by supporters in Inverclyde as his red campaign bus rolled into Gourock flanked by national press.

Mr Sarwar was making his fourth visit to the area during the campaign and said that Inverclyde and Renfrewshire was a key seat in the battle to deliver a Labour Government.

He was greeted by local Labour candidate Martin McCluskey alongside a crowd of cheering supporters.

Councillor McCluskey said the fact that Mr Sarwar has visited Inverclyde so often proved how important the seat is in the campaign.

He said: "Anas sees it as as a really important battleground for the Labour Party."

(Image: George Munro)

When asked about the pool prediction, Mr McCluskey remained cautious, saying: "It depends which polls you look at, locally I think this could be really tight.

"If people want change and not just in Inverclyde and Renfrewshire West but the rest of the country, they need to vote for it on Thursday, don't leave the luck of change to someone else."

Speaking to the Telegraph, Mr Sarwar said: "This is the best set of Labour candidates we have ever had in an election campaign, and I know with Martin's back story and his commitment to the community and his own intelligence and energy that he will be a fantastic representative in Inverclyde.

"We want to send Martin to Westminster not to shout, not to protest, and not come back with nothing but to be the voice of this community, and be around the table help to make decisions to deliver for Inverclyde."

When asked if Inverclyde was a key seat for Labour, Mr Sarwar replied that the fact that he was in Gourock two days before the election said it all.

(Image: George Munro)

He said: "I think it shows everything you need to know about how how much we care about Inverclyde that two days out from the election this is where we are.

"We recognise that this community has been let down for far too many years and there's huge potential in this community, a real great back story of history to this community.

"I want to make sure that we build a future for Inverclyde, which means getting investment, getting jobs, getting better public services here, delivering for people here and I know Martin McCluskey will do that."

"This has always been one of our key constituencies and has always been at the forefront at shaping what happens in our country.

"Labour has only ever been in Government when it has won in communities like this. Inverclyde can play its part in making sure we get rid of the Tories."

A new YouGov Poll puts Labour in front of the SNP, contested locally by Ronnie Cowan, by six points.

When asked about this, Mr Sarwar replied: "We are confident but not complacent. We have pursued this campaign with hard work, humility and energy and that doesn't stop now though we are in the final two days.

"We ramp that up and if we do get the good privilege of being in government, and get the good privilege of getting fantastic MPs like Martin being elected, the hard work gets even more aggressive then because we have work to do to deliver for this community that has been let down for 14 years - and we want to get straight to work to deliver that change."