A TERRIFIC trio of teachers who have together given more than 70 years of service to Inverclyde have said a final farewell to their pupils and peers.

Lady Alice’s deputy head teacher Lesley Caldwell, school EYECO Kathleen Docherty and nursery teacher Marjie McKay were given a special send-off by the school as they called time on their careers.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as pupils paid personal tribute to the popular staff members at a leaving assembly last week.

Deputy head Lesley, who has been at Lady Alice for 32 years and has been its second-in-command for 16, told the Telegraph she had enjoyed every minute of her time at the school.

READ MORE: All Saints Primary bids fond farewell to long-serving deputy head teacher

She said: “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it, there’s never been a dull moment.

“Every day is an exciting day.

“I’ve been here for 32 years and I was at Ardgowan Primary before that, which is the school I went to myself. I’ve had a great time at both of them.

“We try to include the local community in everything we do and as the years have gone by we’ve been able to include more and more of our local community.

“We have strong links with groups like Barnardo’s, the south west library and the community police, so we’ve been very lucky in that respect.

“I’ll miss it very much. The children, the parents and my staff have been amazing.

“We’re a very close staff here and we all look after each other all the time.

“I’ve got plenty of things lined up to do, I’m going to be going all over Scotland to my favourite art galleries with my daughter and I’m really close with my family so I’ll have lots of family time.”

Kathleen, who is stepping away after 19 years at Lady Alice and five years at St Kenneth’s and St Mungo’s before that, said: “Working here you work with the kids, you work with their big brothers and sisters, their mums and dads and you even know the grannies and grandpas too.

“It’s a community where they know we have an open door, they can come in and speak to us.

“Saying goodbye was emotional but it was nice because the three of us are leaving together.

“I’m hoping to spend more time with my granddaughters and maybe go see some of their shows and things.

“I’ll miss the kids and working with all the people I’ve made friends with over the 19 years here.”

Marjie McKay, who has worked in the school’s nursery for nine years sand spent 11 years at Wellpark Children’s Centre before that, praised the positive atmosphere at Lady Alice.

She added: “It’s been lovely being here, I will really miss all their wee faces.

“But the team here have made it special, having that social setting where we’ve always got each other’s backs is something I’ll miss.

“It’s always nice to meet children you taught when they were wee.

“I’m looking forward to some family time but I’ve got no real plan other than project garden.

“It’s not too big but it needs a lot of work.

“But I’ve had an incredible time here and I’ll miss absolutely everyone.”