YOUNG people from all over Inverclyde can find out more about becoming part of a seafaring organisation at an event later this month. 

Greenock Sea Cadets are hosting an open day on Saturday, July 27. 

The fun will run at the Great Harbour in Greenock from 11am until 3pm. 

Youngsters who are part of the cadets will be out on the water showcasing activities like powerboating and canoeing, and will be speaking to young people about joining the organisation. 

Members of the fundraising committee have organised some activities for the day to generate cash for overnight trips. 

The fun will include a car boot sale, stalls full of handcrafted products, a vintage fire engine, airbrush tattoos, and face painting, and hot food and home baking will be available. 

Fundraising committee member Jennifer Hearl said: "The Sea Cadets really make a difference to people socially. 

"The cost is still only £2 a session to make the group as inclusive and accessible as possible. 

"Cadets get a lot of practical experience and a lot of recruits go on to join the Navy."

Fundraiser Joan Green added: "The cadets offer so many opportunities. 

"Activities help young people build their confidence and self-esteem, and they learn a lot of skills."