AN UNLICENSED Greenock teenager lost control of an unregistered motorcycle whilst helmet-less and travelled the wrong way down a one-way street in an alleged dangerous driving incident, it is alleged.

Jack Murphy failed to keep proper control of the vehicle and drove one-handed while holding a mobile phone along the town's Cathcart Street and Bank Street last October 18, prosecutors claim.

Murphy, 18, left the carriageway, rode on the footpath and lost control of the motorcycle before veering into the path of an oncoming vehicle and forcing the driver to take evasive action to avoid a collision, according to court papers.

He is also charged with driving in the wrong direction on a one-way street.

He faces further allegations of driving without a licence or insurance and without wearing protective headgear.

Murphy, of Canmore Crescent, was subject to bail conditions at the time as well as an undertaking to appear at Greenock Sheriff Court, the Crown says.

Not guilty pleas to the charges were submitted through solicitor Aidan Gallagher during a hearing last week.

A trial has been scheduled for October.