A GREENOCK man who breached court orders by sending emails to his ex-partners – including one containing a link to a song – has been given a community payback order as punishment.

A non-harassment order (NHO) and bail conditions imposed in May 2022 required Ian Fyfe not to approach or contact two women, however, the 40-year-old repeatedly ignored the court directives just months later.

The sheriff court heard this week that Fyfe sent an email to one former partner – with whom he had been in a relationship for around seven months – weeks after being told not to communicate with her.

The message included a link to a song but the complainer did not reply and reported the matter to police.

Further emails were sent to a different victim in breach of a two-year NHO handed out following a series of domestic abuse incidents.

The court was told that the pair had previously been together for four years and Fyfe contacted the woman on multiple occasions in July and November 2022 despite being ordered not to.

READ MORE: Prisoner breached non-harassment order by sending letters to ex from jail

A prosecutor said the messages included comments about Fyfe sending gift cards for clothes and informing the complainer of a relative’s medical diagnosis.

Defence solicitor Paul Cook said Fyfe, of King Street, pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and ‘accepts that his actions were incredibly foolish’.

The lawyer said Fyfe sent one of the emails ‘purely on impulse’ and added that his client was under the influence of alcohol when he sent some of the messages.

Sheriff Anthony McGeehan told him: “Mr Cook described the circumstances surrounding these offences as foolish; I would agree, and I would also apply the description of criminal.

“The court imposes such orders for very specific reasons to protect individuals from further offending or harassment.

“The court takes a very serious view of breaches of such orders.”

Fyfe will be supervised for 12 months and must also complete 100 hours of unpaid work.