A STALWArt of Parklea Branching Out retired after more than 18 happy years there.

Robert Kelly, 67, got a wonderful send off from staff and the people who use the service in Port Glasgow.

Robert wore many hats at Parklea, including training officer and health and safety manager and has seen lots of changes and developments through the years.

Christine Falconer, head of social and therapeutic horticulture, said: "He made a huge contribution to Parklea and he is a huge loss.

(Image: Parklea)

"We are already wanting to ask him questions and he's not here.

"He will be sorely missed, not only by his colleagues, but also by all the clients. We asked them what words they would use to describe him, and what they came up with were so lovely.

"Understanding. Gentle. Helpful. Caring. Encouraging. Honest. Good worker. We think they got him down to a T."

Robert enjoyed a farewell tea with sandwiches and home baking including a marvellous tomato cake.

A heartfelt message on Parklea's facebook Page, said: "Robert- thank you for being you. And for all the dedication and support you have given to PBO in so many ways.

"We wish you a very, very happy retirement spending time with your wife Lynda and all the family."