GREENOCK youngsters will be able to attend a summer playscheme in St Joseph’s Primary this summer after a successful campaign by local officials.

A free-of-charge scheme will be running at the school throughout the holiday period, which two sessions every weekday from the start of July until the beginning of August.

Councillor Tommy McVey - whose ward includes the school - joined his ward colleagues John Crowther and Natasha McGuire, as well as Joe McIlwee from Greenock Southwest Community Council, to celebrate the launch of the new programme.

Mr McVey told the Tele he was delighted to see the local playscheme provision being expanded.

He said said: “The idea for a play scheme came from a meeting of the Grieve Road Hall committee last year.

 “Given that there had not been a play scheme in this area for many years, I was keen to support the idea.

“I raised the matter with council officers, and I am really pleased that we now have a play scheme in place for this summer.

 “The play scheme in St Joseph’s school will be one of seven across Inverclyde, all fully funded by the council, so there will be no charge for those who attend. It will be a great facility for local children to use over the holidays.

 “My thanks go to the hall committee, the Greenock Southwest Community Council, council officers and everyone else who got behind this idea including Councillor Jim Clocherty, in his capacity as convenor of the education and communities committee.”

The playscheme is one of seven being put on by Inverclyde Council over the school holidays as part of its ‘summer of fun’ initiative.

Councillor John Crowther said he was delighted to have two schools in his ward hosting playschemes this year.

He added: “I am delighted that both St. Joseph’s plus St. Patrick’s Primary Schools in Ward 7 – Inverclyde South, are venues selected for this year’s “summer of fun 2024” summer holiday playschemes organised by Inverclyde Leisure.

“With cost-of-living pressures affecting many families in Inverclyde it is heartening to note that each playscheme is free of charge, being fully funded by Inverclyde Council.

“The summer playschemes are one of a number of initiatives by Inverclyde Leisure and Inverclyde Council designed to support families throughout July and early August.”