AN 80-YEAR-OLD resident in Port Glasgow is taking on housing association bosses as she blasts their 'neglect' and leads a fight to stop her street falling into disrepair.

Pensioner Alice Humphreys and her neighbours in Huntly Terrace have hit out at the state of the common areas which are overgrown.

Despite being hit with bills up of up to £120 they say that factoring firm C-urb, which is part of Link, is failing to keep the area up to scratch.

Alice, who has stayed there for nearly 30 years says there are also concerns about flooding in back greens and other problems which Link is not taking responsibility for.

Alice Humphreys angry at Link HousingAlice Humphreys angry at Link Housing (Image: George Munro)

The Port pensioner, who owns her own home, said: "They send me bills for up to £120 and then you see that no work has been done. Take a look at the place - I've had to get the grass cut myself.

"I love my garden and then the bit next to my house is mess.

"They just let it all get overgrown and then they send us a bill.

"Everyone here takes care of their own gardens but we are being let down. No one takes responsibility for the other areas in the street. The houses used to be owned by Scottish Homes.

"But when we try to get something done Link tell us it isn't their responsibility.

Alice Humphreys (Image: George Munro)

Across the street Alice's neighbours have issues with flooding in their back greens, which backs on to the railway line.

Catherine McKimm, 79, said: "They are told it is work Network Rail needs to do. The flooding is getting worse. Then there are other areas round the corner that are not kept properly.

"But it is only going to get worse here. It has never been as bad here."

(Image: George Munro) (Image: George Munro)

She was joined by Patricia McLean in raising concerns about the state of the back greens and the communal areas.

The Huntly Terrace residents say that over the years they have forked out thousands of pounds to Link to keep their homes in good condition.

(Image: George Munro)

Alice added: "We have all lived here a long time and we try our best to keep it good, it is a lovely place to stay. I argue with Link all the time.

"We have already had problems with rats before with the shops."

Link Housing factoring company promised to take up the concerns.

A C~urb Factoring spokesperson said: “Ensuring common areas are well-maintained and usable by residents is a key part of the service we deliver to our customers. We have notified a landscape contractor to address our customer’s concerns regarding the common area grass to the rear of her property. This is the first time we have been informed of this issue. Link has also carried out an inspection following reports from residents that the common areas were overgrown.

“We have passed on our customer’s concerns to Network Rail about the wall, which it owns, so this can be resolved as soon as possible. All of our factored customers receive a detailed invoice each quarter, with a clear breakdown of all charges. If any customers would like further information or support around factoring fees, we advise them to get in touch as soon as possible.”