A POLICE officer who zapped a 73-year-old woman with a 50,000-volt Taser during an incident in Port Glasgow will not face criminal prosecution, the Telegraph can reveal.

The elderly victim suffered a 'significant injury' and required hospital treatment after the PC discharged the electric shock device and left her incapacitated.

The Taser incident - which occurred after police were called to a report of a 44-year-old woman causing a disturbance - was passed to the Crown Office, where the decision not to prosecute the officer was taken.

We told on Monday how the innocent OAP got caught up in the matter before police eventually arrested her daughter, Angela Blaney.

The pensioner alleged that the officer assaulted her with the Taser, and the case was referred to the Police Investigations Review Commissioner (PIRC).

It was later examined by a specialist division within the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) which investigates allegations against on-duty police officers.

(Image: NQ)

However, an update yesterday revealed that no criminal charges have been brought against the officer involved.

A spokesperson for the COPFS told the Telegraph: “The Criminal Allegations Against the Police Division (CAAP-D) of COPFS received a report from PIRC in relation to allegations of criminality against a police officer and an incident in February 2023.

“After full and careful consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case, Crown Counsel instructed that there should be no proceedings taken at this time.

READ MOREPort Glasgow woman headbutted officer after pensioner mother was Tasered by police

“As is standard practice, the Crown reserves its right to prosecute in the future should further evidence become available.

“The complainer has been provided with detailed information about this decision.”

The Tele told how police had been called to an address on the Port’s Berwick Road on February 28, 2023 out of concern for the welfare of Angela Blaney.

A hearing at Greenock Sheriff Court was told that reports had been received claiming Blaney had shouted, swore, threatened and demanded money from her mother while in possession of a knife.

The pensioner was caught up in the disturbance after officers arrived and Blaney later headbutted a female PC on the nose moments after watching her mum being Tasered.

The elderly woman ‘suffered significant injury’ and was taken to hospital after the incident, according to a prosecutor.

Blaney’s solicitor Paul Cook said: “During the incident, her mother was Tasered and that exacerbated matters and led her to behave in the manner which she did.”

Mr Cook said the offences were committed on the anniversary of the passing of Blaney’s father – and a day after her own birthday, adding that she was in an ‘extremely low mood’ at the time.

Sheriff Anthony McGeehan imposed a ten-week night-time curfew order and Blaney will also be under the supervision of the criminal justice social work department for 12 months.

Police Scotland told the Tele last year that the circumstances of the incident were referred to the PIRC, who said that following a referral from the force and a subsequent investigation, their reports to the COPFS were 'confidential for legal reasons'.

The Police Scotland website states: "A Taser initially generates around 50,000 volts of electricity, mainly to allow the wires to pass through the air and through clothing. Once it makes contact with somebody, it drops to 1,500 volts delivered in extremely short pulses.

"It can stop the person moving, allowing police officers to remove the threat the person is posing to themselves or others.

"Officers undergo thorough training which focuses on de-escalation and when to use a Taser."