A GREENOCK pervert who hoarded thousands of indecent images of children for more than 20 years and also collected bestiality pornography has been spared prison over his vile offending.

Robert Leith - who was caught with nearly 7,000 disturbing photos and videos of kids - was yesterday placed on supervision after the sheriff court was told that he would be a jail suicide risk.

The 66-year-old sex offender's defence advocate told of Leith's 'deteriorating mental health' whilst arguing that a community-based sentence was available to the court.

Leith was unanimously found guilty of two indecent child images charges following a jury trial in April.

He was in possession of a total of 6,854 photos and videos between February 1999 and July 2021.

Leith was also found guilty of taking or permitting to be taken, or making, indecent photographs during this period – with the primary method of ‘making’ being by download.

Following the trial, he tendered a guilty plea to a third charge of being in possession of extreme pornography ‘depicting in an explicit and realistic way’ bestiality.

(Image: Newsquest)

This plea had been offered prior to the jury trial but was not accepted by the Crown at the time.

The court heard that more than 10,000 examples of extreme pornography were discovered across several devices seized from his home in July 2021.

Leith returned to court on Thursday for sentencing before Sheriff Sheena Fraser, with his defence advocate arguing that a community-based sentence may be available to the court due to his client's ‘deteriorating mental health’ and the ‘stringent’ disposal outlined in a social work report.

He added: “The suicide risk identification form does state that Mr Leith will find it difficult to cope in custody and may be a risk of suicide.

“There was a previous attempt on his own life some months ago.

READ MORE: Jury convicts Greenock man of indecent images charges

“Mr Leith’s mental health was so that he was detained under emergency measures and made subject to short term detention for 28 days.

“Ultimately, whilst Mr Leith does recognise that custody will likely be at the forefront of the court’s mind, the stringent community-based disposal could also be open as an alternative to custody.”

Addressing Leith, Sheriff Fraser said: “You should be under no misunderstanding, I consider that these offences are very serious.

“I have taken into account any aggravating and mitigating factors, both as led at trial and what is contained in the criminal justice social work report.

(Image: Newsquest)

“I note that you’re a first offender and that you are of an age where people are not normally being brought before the court for the first time.”

Sheriff Fraser noted that it may be beneficial for the community if the court ‘keeps an eye’ on Leith for a considerable period of time.

She placed him on a community payback order which will see him remain under supervision for a period of 30 months.

Leith will also be subject to a conduct requirement as part of the order, which will mean he must consult his supervising officer before changing his place of residence or work or travelling outside the UK.

READ MORE: Greenock man admits possession of bestiality images 

It also forbids him from approaching or contacting any child he knows or believes to be under the age of 16 without prior approval of his officer.

Leith will also be restricted to owning no more than one mobile phone or computer device, and must follow strict rules in relation to usage.

Sheriff Fraser ordered him to adhere to a curfew for a period of 12 months, during which time he will wear an electronic tag.

Leith was also made subject to a sexual harm prevention order and will be placed on the Sex Offenders’ register for five years.