A THUG who brutally stabbed a man who bravely confronted him for slashing his tyres was jailed today for eight years.

Shaun Charles struck Christopher Knight three times in the stomach with a ten-inch hunting knife leaving him with horrific injuries.

Despite being badly hurt and blood-soaked, Mr Knight managed to keep hold of the 26-year-old until police arrived.

Charles pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr Knight to his severe injury, permanent disfigurement and to the danger of his life in Greenock, Inverclyde on October 16 2021.

Judge Kevin McCallum KC imposed a ten-year extended sentence, eight of which will be spent behind bars.

The High Court in Glasgow heard Charles had been spotted on his motorbike in the town that morning.

He initially had an argument with a resident having been caught smashing a window of a nearby property.

Charles, of Kilwinning, Ayrshire, then went outside another house and shouted to speak to someone he believed was inside. 

The person was not there. Prosecutor Marco Guarino said Charles then 'turned his attention' to a Vauxhall Insignia car and began slashing its tyres.

He rode off before doing the same to an Audi motor.

Mr Knight was then at a property in Greenock when he spotted Charles using the blade to puncture the tyres of his Ford Focus.

Mr Guarino explained: "Mr Knight seized hold of Charles and confronted him to detain him until the police arrive.

"A struggle ensued during which Charles stabbed him with the knife three times in the abdomen.

"Despite the injuries, Mr Knight managed to restrain Charles and called police on his mobile phone.

"He was able to tell police that the knife used to stab him was lying on the road."

Officers soon appeared and found the victim still had hold of his attacker.

Mr Knight had three wounds to his stomach with his intestines partially protruding.

He was initially given first aid before being rushed to hospital.

Mr Guarino said he needed emergency surgery for injuries described as "life threatening".

He was luckily able to leave a fortnight later, but is scarred for life.

After being held by police, Charles made a number of comments including: "It is only an assault, so get me out quick."

The sentencing was told that Charles' background report was not completed after he was "aggressive" to the social worker who carried it out.

Frances Connor, defending, later stated that Charles was the victim of an attempted murder six years prior to the attack on Mr Knight.

The advocate said: “The night before the present incident associates in that attack on his life attempted to start a fire and put something through his letterbox which caused damage to his property.

"There were two dogs also inside the property and Mr Charles was not in.

"He was made aware the people who did this and one of the associates was Mr Knight's son while Mr Knight had nothing to do with it himself.

"Mr Charles attended at their property in the understanding that he was slashing the tyres of Mr Knight's son which was a small comfort to him.

"He accepts he was not acting with reason and was acting with rage.

"I accept and he accepts that if you get out a knife then the consequences can be serious which they are in this case."