A TEAM of 10 top trekkers are going the extra mile for their community by tackling a well-known running challenge to raise money for a Greenock hub. 

Supporters of Branchton Community Centre have signed up for the Great Scottish Run half marathon which takes place on October 6. 

Centre manager Willie Wilson, Steph Kane, Rachel Kane, Carol McEwan, Anthony McEwan, Mark Fulton, Sophie Harrison, Steven O'Donnell, Bee Cummings, and Angela Canney are all set to complete the journey to generate cash. 

Willie said 100 per cent of the money donated to the challenge will be ploughed back into the centre. 

He said: "We don't do a lot of fundraising for Branchton and thought it would be good to get the team together to do something fun.

"It's very important to try to raise money for the local community. 

"Everything we raise will be put back into classes and courses."

Willie has completed the challenge before and says he's not concerned about finishing the trek in record time. 

Some of the fundraisers will be taking on the race for the first time and are already training hard. 

Willie said: "There's an element of 'you've done it before, so we can do it' in the team I think!

"It's just about getting out there and getting moving and completing it.

"It will be a different challenge depending on the person."

(Image: George Munro)
The trek starts in George Square in Glasgow and runners will head for the city centre, Clydeside Expressway, Paisley Road, and the Broomielaw, before finishing at Glasgow Green. 

Steph Kane says she's been doing 5km runs to build up to it. 

She added: "It's my first half marathon so I am really excited. 

"You can run it and walk it but you have to complete it within three hours. 

"We've all been training to get our fitness up."

Willie said the team are hoping to raise as much as they can in what will be a great team-building day. 

He added: "It will be a great confidence boost for those of us who haven't done it before. 

"Some of us are really excited but there's a bit of fear and trepidation as well. 

"We're all in it together and will support each other on the day."

To donate visit www.gofundme.com/f/branchton-half-marathon-team