A SHOPLIFTER who loaded a trolley with £150 worth of animal ornaments and food was stopped by staff when she tried to walk out the Greenock store without paying. 

Elizabeth McClure admitted a charge of theft and was cleared of a further Crown allegation of attempting to pervert the course of justice following a raid at The Range last year. She will have to wait to discover her fate at a future hearing. 

The 52-year-old, who has previous convictions for similar offences, was stopped inside the West Shaw Street premises on January 26, 2023, having placed a number of items in a trolley and failed to pay for them.

Procurator fiscal depute Joanne Gilmour told a hearing at Greenock Sheriff Court that McClure, of Broomhill Way, browsed the aisles and filled bags with items including a lamp, a candle, a cat ornament, a silver panther ornament, candle holders, place mats and a quantity of food stuffs - with a total value of £158.

However, she only paid for two items at the till and tried to exit the shop before being caught by staff on her way out and escorted to the manager's office.

McClure was later cautioned and charged by police and the items were fully recovered.

Defence lawyer Aidan Gallagher told the court: "At the time there were addiction issues and a shortage of funds.

"This was a fairly clumsy attempt to obtain funds in order to fund the habit.

"She has a record and there is evidence of difficulties over the years, but at present she seems to be doing reasonably well.

"She is now drug free and her presentation is much improved. She has been engaging with drug services."

The solicitor added that McClure has already served time in jail for previous shoplifting offences, and said that the most recent crime 'meets the custody threshold'.

Sheriff James Varney called for background reports and a sentencing hearing is scheduled for August 21.