CONSENT has been granted for the demolition of a listed building in Port Glasgow’s Clune Park which was badly damaged in a fire almost a year ago.

Clune Park Primary School was engulfed in a blaze in August last year, causing large sections of its roof to collapse.

The Robert Street building, categorised as B-listed by Historic Environment Scotland, was built in 1890 and has lain empty since the school closed in June 2008.

Following public safety inspections, reports confirmed that partial demolition and removal of debris was essential – with a Dangerous Building Notice being served in November last year.

(Image: Jim Phanco)

An application made by Inverclyde Council in June noted: “Having suffered extensive fire damage, the entire roof has been removed along with much of the interior and there is currently no economically viable use proposed for the building.”

It was also highlighted that the building attracts "anti-social behaviour, break in and arson" and therefore poses a "high risk of personal injury".

The decision notice states: “The proposal complies with the relevant provisions of the development plan and there are no other material considerations that indicate otherwise.

“This is determined following an assessment which has had regard to the provisions of the development plan, so far as material to the application, and to any other material considerations.”

READ MORE: Clune Park Church demolition approved by Inverclyde Council

Plans were also approved to demolish the church building next to the school earlier this month.

Clune Park Church, also category B-listed, was considered to no longer be economically viable, having been served with a dangerous building notice in May.

A decision notice  on the church plan states: “The decay to the envelope is such that major structural elements are failing to the point of collapse, posing significant risk to the public.

“Any unauthorised access to the building risks personal injury.

“While the loss of this building is regrettable, Historic Environment Scotland are content that one of the considerations set out in national policy for the demolition of listed buildings is applicable.”